[gdlr_notification icon=”icon-font” type=”color-border” border=”#333333″ color=”#ffffff”]Language: english | Translation: euskara, español, català.[/gdlr_notification]
[gdlr_notification icon=”icon-flag” type=”color-background” background=”#333333″ color=”#ffffff”]Gatibu.[/gdlr_notification]
Gatibu has started recording the video for its new disc, Euritan Dantzan, today. The video for the song which gives its name to the whole disc (“Euritan dantzan”) is being produced by TAOM and by Karlos Trijueque from Sestao.
Filming of the video for “Zumarragako trena” (Zumarraga Train) will start today at the Basque Railway Museum at Azpeitia, Gipuzkoa, and it is meant, as they say at TAOM: “to watch the video and listen to the song with attention but, above all, to get across the message they want to put forward”.
Over the next few days we’ll put everything filmed onto our official Youtube channel for you to enjoy and so you can dance to the sound of the train too.
Don’t miss the train!
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[gdlr_stunning_text background_color=”#323232″ button=”Youtube” button_link=”https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCng7iCTVxwW2aWlBWAlLD0A” button_background=”#000000″ button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_border_color=”#333333″ title=”Gatibu’s Youtube channel” title_color=”#ffffff” caption_color=”#cccccc”]Login and sign up to Gatibu’s official channel and don’t miss a video.[/gdlr_stunning_text]